Silvan is one of the districts of Diyarbakır in the Southeast Anatolian Region. The population of the district is 87,639 people. Silvan Castle, Malabadi Bridge, Hasuni Cave City, Selahaddin-i Eyyubi Mosque, Zembilfroş Bastion, Eyyubi Kot Minaret, Behlül Bey Mosque, old Chaldean Church, museum and historical mansions, and Boshat Castle are located in this district.
Although it is claimed that the capital of the Kingdom of Armenia, founded by Dikran the Great, was Tigranakert in the 70th century BC, this information is speculative.
The ancient name of the town, Miyafarkīn or Meyyâfârikīn, means "border water" or "water of separation" in Syriac. The city, which is also mentioned as Mâfârkīn, Mefârkīn and Fârkīn in Islamic sources, is known as Mīpherkét, Mufargin in Medieval Syriac, Nprkert in Armenian, Martyropolis (city of martyrs) in Greek. According to Yâkūt el-Hamavi, its old name was Merdûr-Sâlâ (city of martyrs).
The name Silvan comes from the name of the Suleimani Kurdish chiefs dynasty, who used to rule in Miyafarkin. It consists of the Kurdish pronunciation of the name Süleyman. In fact, it is not the name of the town, but the name of the principality and administrative unit whose center is here. Bitlisli Şeref Khan's Şerefname's Second Phase, Ninth Chapter, 16th century Miyafarkin bey Behlül, Emirxan and Ömer, the lineage of the last Umayyad Caliph II. It is based on the unity of Suleimani tribes formed in the Marwan era.
Silvan became the capital of the Marwanids in the 10th and 11th centuries. The Marwanids were founded in 978 in Silvan by Bad bin Dostik. 6 rulers ruled from the establishment of the Marwanids, who used Silvan as their capital, until their collapse. The last ruler of the Marwanids was Nasirudewle Mensur, who died in Cizre. The tomb of Nasırüddevle Mansur, the last ruler of the Marwanids, was found in the İçkale location of Diyarbakır's Sur district in 2020. The roots of the Badıkan Tribe, which continues to exist in Diyarbakır Silvan and Muş regions, are based on (Bad), the founder of the Marwanids. The Malabadi Bridge in Silvan takes its name from (Bad). Malabadi means "Bad's house" in Kurdish.