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Ankara Dentistry

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Ankara Dentistry

Ankara Dentistry
Emergency dentistry services are provided in oral and dental health clinics. There is an emergency service in our hospitals to intervene in emergency medical situations that may affect dental treatments.

General Anesthesia and Operating Room
What is General Anesthesia?
General anesthesia is a method of anesthesia in which the state of consciousness is removed with the help of drugs and the whole body is under the influence of anesthesia. Surgical (Tooth Extraction, Gum Treatment, Implant, Bone Graft, Bone Cyst, etc.) and non-surgical (Tooth filling, Root canal treatment, etc.) treatments can be applied to pediatric and adult patients under general anesthesia in the fully-equipped operating theaters within our hospitals.

Preoperative Anesthesia Examination
After the dental treatments for the patients who apply to our clinics are planned, pre-operative anesthesia examinations are performed.
In the Anesthesia Examination, first of all, the patient's detailed health history (systemic diseases, allergies, the surgery or diseases he has undergone, the medications he constantly uses, etc.) is evaluated, and after the necessary examinations are made, a surgical appointment is made for dental procedures.

What is sedation?
It is a deep sleep created by the anesthesiologist with some drugs while the patient is conscious. Unlike general anesthesia, the patient can fulfill the verbal commands he receives from the physician. During the procedure, the anesthesiologist monitors the patient and monitors his pulse and blood pressure.
With sedation, which is defined as a situation in which the patient's airway can be kept open, responds appropriately to physical stimuli and verbal commands, and his consciousness is suppressed, adult patients experience the treatment in the mouth, pain, unpleasant sounds, etc., with the effect of postoperative drugs. He will not be exposed to psychological trauma as he will not remember. This will make it easier for the patient to come to dental treatment in later sessions.
Is it safe?
Conscious sedation is a safe method and is administered intravenously (intravenously) in adults. Dose adjustment is made according to weight. Additional doses may be given depending on the duration of dental treatment. It is possible to apply short-term dental treatments in a single session (such as tooth extraction and filling). Half an hour after the procedure is over, the patient is able to go home.
It is recommended not to drive, stay away from work that requires effort, and rest. It is also recommended that the patient come to the dentist appointment with a relative.
It helps to eliminate the feeling of fear and anxiety by creating a comfortable and safe environment for the patient. It reduces the perception of pain by raising the pain threshold. It provides an extremely comfortable working environment for the dentist by eliminating the stress of the dentist and preventing unwanted reflexes.

Oral and Dental Health Department Diagnosis Treatment Services
In the Oral and Dental Health clinics of hospitals and medical centers, diagnosis and treatment services are provided on the following subjects:

Oral, Dental and Maxillofacial Surgery
Surgery of impacted wisdom teeth, root tip resections, jaw dislocations and fractures, as well as surgical operations and operations such as cyst and tumor operations are performed in this unit.
Operations deemed necessary are performed under general anesthesia. Aesthetic restorative procedures, tooth-colored restorations, tooth whitening and lamina veneer restorations are applied by this unit.
Our unit also deals with issues such as clogged canals, broken canal instruments, treatments of excessively inflamed teeth, root fractures, retrograde fillings related to the root canal systems of the teeth.

  • Days Locations 2 / Treatments

Treatment Plan

  • Included:
    • All hospitals and clinics are approved by the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Türkiye.
  • Excluded:
    • All services you receive based on your treatment process are subject to charges.

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